Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Social and Economic History

Priority Program

Experience and Expectation. Historical Foundations of Economic Behaviour


Economic expectations are the keystone of economic behaviour, but their historical dimension has not been researched in depth so far. The programme studies experience and expectation as interrelated cognitive processes pointing to the past and the future which enable economic actors to realise their decisions in the present. Three topics are of especial interest: the direct impact of historical events and actors' experience on the formation of expectations; changes in the manner in which expectations are formed through history; and the role of shocks, crises, and structural ruptures for economic expectations. Economic theory and historical methodology are combined systematically in the study of historical evidence, and complemented by sociology and legal history.


Learn more about the Project on its website.


Funding period:


Coordination office contact:

Tel.: 0049-30-2093-70615 (Wednesdays and Thursdays)