Chair for Southeast European History
Historical studies of Southeast and Central Europe are pursued in a comparative perspective at the Chair of Southeast European History. The focus is on political and social change in late and post-Ottoman as well as late and post-Habsburg societies in Southeast, respectively, East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. The examination of the Second World War in Southeast Europe has important significance, as does research on the era of socialism in Southeast and East Central Europe. Great importance is also attached to the history of the transformation of communist dictatorships into market democracies and EU integration after 1989. Furthermore, theories and courses of ethnic conflicts are examined in this context. An important research approach is historical anthropology. Understood as an extension of social-historical approaches, it is driven by the effort to place people in their subjective realities at the centre of interest. This makes the Chair’s work compatible with similar research in other regions. (More)
Prof. Dr. Hannes Grandits
address: Friedrichstr. 191-193, room 5023
Tel.: (030) 2093-70622
Fax: (030) 2093-70663
Mail: grandith (at)
Postal Address
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Südosteuropäische Geschichte
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin -
Friedrichstr. 191-193 (Ecke Leipziger Straße)
10117 Berlin -
Administration Office
Stefanie Weißmann
address: Friedrichstr. 191-193, room 3006
Tel.: (030) 2093-70621
Mail: Sek.Gesch.Suedosteuropa (at)