Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Southeast European History

Janis Nalbadidacis

In the dungeons of the dictatorship: A comparative study of centres of torture in Argentina and Greece during the period of dictatorship


The aim of my research project is to analyse the interactional processes and practices of violence in centres of torture. This will be done through the examples of the Technical Military Academy of the Navy in Buenos Aires and the headquarters of the security police in the street of Bouboulina in Athens during the Greek and the Argentine dictatorships. Basing my analysis on interviews, orders and testimonies of the daily processes within these two enclosed institutions, I will attempt to reconstruct the establishment and transformation of these practices of violence.

The methodological background of my work is the figuration analysis of Norbert Elias, which is combined with the approach of thick description of the so called Neue Gewaltsoziologie. It will be complemented by considering the role of peer pressure and obedience derived from social psychology theory. Through the comparison of two empirical cases, I intend to identify the commonalities between these processes as well as to highlight their peculiarities and culturally contingent manifestations.