Lana Martysheva (Rom), Making Sense of Information Gathering in the Sixteenth Century: From the Archives to the Actions of Camillo Capilupi (Forschungskolloquium zur Europäischen Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit)
- Lana Martysheva (Rom), Making Sense of Information Gathering in the Sixteenth Century: From the Archives to the Actions of Camillo Capilupi (Forschungskolloquium zur Europäischen Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit)
- 2023-11-01T18:15:00+01:00
- 2023-11-01T19:45:00+01:00
- Wann 01.11.2023 von 18:15 bis 19:45
- Wo Friedrichstraße 191, Raum 4031 (4. OG)
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