Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Europäische Geschichte des Mittelalters. Schwerpunkt: Spätmittelalter

Weltecke (Publikationen)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften | Europäische Geschichte des Mittelalters. Schwerpunkt: Spätmittelalter | Aktuelles | Publikationen | Katholikos, Visitator, Vikar - zu Konzeptionen von Repräsentanz, Bevollmächtigung und Stellvertretung im Oriens Christianus

Katholikos, Visitator, Vikar - zu Konzeptionen von Repräsentanz, Bevollmächtigung und Stellvertretung im Oriens Christianus

Dorothea Weltecke:
Katholikos, Visitator, Vikar - zu Konzeptionen von Repräsentanz, Bevollmächtigung und Stellvertretung im Oriens Christianus, in: Claudia Zey (Hrsg.), Stellvertretung im Mittelalter: Konzepte, Personen und Zeichen im interkulturellen Vergleich, Ostfildern: Jan Thorbecke Verlag 2023, S. 305–330.

Within the Orthodox and the Eastern Churches, the ancient structures of the church of the Roman Empire took a different trajectory from in the Latin west. Therefore, the question of »representation« in the sense of papal legates so did not present itself. However, in a comparative perspective, the question may contribute to our understanding of the transcultural history of the Christian Churches. In this contribution an attempt shall be made to relate typical offices of these churches to the concept of delegation, representation or authorization.


Reihe: Vorträge und Forschungen
Bandnummer: 88

Umfang/Format: 25 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 2023

ISBN: 978-3-7995-6888-3


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften | Europäische Geschichte des Mittelalters. Schwerpunkt: Spätmittelalter | Aktuelles | Publikationen | Dhimmis and Muslims – Analyzing Multi-Religious Spaces in the Medieval Muslim World (DhiMu)

Dhimmis and Muslims – Analyzing Multi-Religious Spaces in the Medieval Muslim World (DhiMu)

Ralph Barczok, Max Franke, Steffen Koch, Dorothea Weltecke:
Dhimmis and Muslims – Analyzing Multi-Religious Spaces in the Medieval Muslim World (DhiMu), in: Carola Hein, Beate Löffler, Tino Mager, Brigit Schneider (Hrsg.), Mixing Methods. Practical Insights from the Humantities in the Digital Age, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press 2023, S. 105–121.

For centuries, specific groups of non-Muslims living in regions under Muslim rule were tolerated and, in turn, forced to accept a lower legal status called the Dhimmi status. This legal construction and political pragmatism resulted in great religious diversity in medieval Muslim cities. However, the bias of the medieval writers, who faded out the existence of the other religious communities and the traditional historical narratives have so far inhibited an empirically grounded view of the diachronic and synchronic complexity of these multi-religious populations. This project aims to collect information from primary and secondary sources on religious groups in the urban centres of the Middle East. This information must be stored digitally to aid historians in conducting interactive visual analyses. Historians study the data of religious constellations and compare regions and time periods. By recording the level of confidence together with the data, they can consider the uncertainty of data during visual analysis to improve their judgment of collected historical evidence.


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Reihe: Digital Humanities Research
Bandnummer: 7

Umfang/Format: 16 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 2023

ISBN: 978-3-8394-6913-2

DIO: 10.14361/9783839469132-012